Our nation is divided. No matter your political persuasion, recent events are confusing, disappointing, and purely un-American.
We all served (or are associated with someone who did). We swore an oath to defend the Constitution, not a President or a political party. It is the topic of Submarines that binds us together and brings us here. Political discussion will divide us and there is no place for it on this BBS.
If you believe any of this violates your First Amendment rights, please re-read the Constitution. It says the CONGRESS shall make no law abridging your right to expression. We are not Congress. This BBS is a privately owned an operated service that is open to the public... so long as the rules are followed.
Posts of a political nature, or using political or divisive language WILL BE DELETED. If a warning doesn't get your attention, subsequent violations of this nature will result in account removal. You can hate me all you want. You can even leave in a fit of rage. OR, you can enjoy one place on the internet where your and your fellow members have no red/blue divide to discuss.
Simple as that. No political discussion is allowed here.
Let's talk about submarines!